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What we offer?
Through projects carried in previous employment and with Encap, a wide knowledge of automation and instrumentation for mobile machinery has been built up.

In particular we know the mining and construction application areas.

Mobile Machinery Automation and Instrumentation
Electronics and software are an integral part of modern mobile machinery. Use of distributed control systems based on fieldbus technology
( especially CANbus ) has become widespread.

Advanced mobile machinery typically includes sophisticated user interfaces, autonomous control, remote operation, data collection and reporting, and advanced diagnostics and fault handling.

Challenges are associated with the need for high reliability in a harsh environment, and maintaining user/service friendliness despite the rise in overall system complexity.

Areas of expertise

   Verstaankatu 3 E 57, 33100, Tampere            +358 (0)40 849 6555   Copyright © 2008 Encap Oy