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What we offer?
Encap has implemented fieldbus interfaces for a number of existing pulp and paper sensors.

Fieldbus Foundation, Profibus, and HART interfaces have been implemented.

Through these projects we have developed a good understanding
 • Of fieldbus specifications
 • The requirements for these types of devices.
 • Pitfalls to avoid when specifying devices

Solutions have been based on customer hardware and third party protocol stacks.

Projects have typically involved the following steps

System requirements and interface definition
  System test with various hosts and configurators
  Compliance testing and device registration

Fieldbus Integration
Fieldbus technology is becoming increasingly accepted within the process industries.

The most widespread are currently Profibus and Fieldbus Foundation.

Fieldbus technology involves a large step forward in complexity compared to traditional
4-20 mA devices. In addition fieldbus specifications documents typically run into several hundred pages of documentation, such that the learning curve involved when implementing a new interface can be steep.

Areas of expertise

   Verstaankatu 3 E 57, 33100, Tampere            +358 (0)40 849 6555   Copyright © 2008 Encap Oy